Our Year Together
Photos by Quinn Corte for The Retreat Space, 2021.
Can you stomach another year-in-review post? If not, I completely understand.
But maybe you're new to our community (hi!), or you had a busy year and didn't read all my emails (WHAT?!). Also, it might be your first week back at work (I'm so sorry) and you need a distraction.
In any case, I hope you enjoy this summary of the wonderful things we did together this year. I’m so proud of how The Retreat Space evolved, and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
2021 Highlights
We launched our new website and branding.
We got clear on our values.
We started sending our monthly email Care Packages (sign up here!).
We started an Anti-Racism & Collective Care blog series.
We helped 16 people (so far!) get their needs met, through the Meeting Your Needs workshop.
I started writing a book about soulful stress-relief and offered a sneak peek.
We shared 60-something posts on Instagram (here's my favorite).
We received 17 generous donations. (Thank you, thank you, thank you!)
We made a year-end community donation to Therapy Aid Coalition, to support the mental wellbeing and recovery of essential workers impacted by the pandemic.
2021 Care Packages
At the first of each month we send a Care Package to email subscribers. This beloved newsletter is filled with seasonal self-care goodies, personal stories, helpful links, meditations, fun surprises, and calls for social justice and collective care. Sign up here.
2021 Anti-Racism & Collective Care Posts
This is a series for white allies who believe social justice is an integral part of self-care. I'm looking forward to more discussions in the upcoming year.
2021 Blog Posts
The last 3 blog posts on this list were written around this time last year and are worth another read (especially if you have New Year's goal-setting fatigue).
Thank you for reading, healing, and digging deep in 2021. It's been a joy to connect with you in this space.
Happy New Year!