Embracing Limitations in Daily Life
Photo by Quinn Corte, 2022.
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Here are a few ways I've noticed the freedom of acceptance seeping into my daily life.
Embracing limitations reduces scarcity.
I can’t afford to own a house right now. Instead of letting that unfulfilled dream keep me dwelling on the future and calculating ways to get somewhere else, I’m nesting in the beautiful home I have right now, as I save money. Acceptance is not giving up; it’s a starting point. It brings us to the present moment, which is full of goodness. It releases the kink in the hose and allows change to flow freely.
Embracing limitations frees you.
Today I only had a half-hour to work on my book project. I would usually feel constricted by that short time, constantly checking the clock in frustration. I might spend most of the time wondering if it’s even worth it and consider checking email halfway through. But instead, I embraced the 30-minute limit. I set a timer, put my phone on silent, lit a candle, and dove deep. I didn’t have to look at the clock or my phone, because I created a safe, solid container for my fingers to run amok on that keyboard. I let the timer form the boundary and inside that boundary I was free.
Embracing limitations provides relief.
After years of building up my inner worthiness by saying, “I am enough,” I’m now starting to say, “I’m not enough.” The hard truth is that I’m just one person. I’m not enough to shield my loved ones from suffering, or to give their lives meaning. I’m definitely not enough to save the world. Once I found acceptance around this, it gave me such relief. Doing and being everything to everyone is not possible. Instead, I define what is my responsibility and let the rest go.
Embracing limitations illuminates priorities.
My brain is bigger than my stomach. I have so much I want to do and only a few hours per week in which to do it. Also, no matter how much I will myself to be consistently productive and engaged, my capacity ebbs and flows. Accepting these limits feels exciting. How am I going to devote my few precious hours? This realization made me rearrange my days so I devote fresh morning energy to my two most important (yet frequently skipped) priorities—writing and exercise.
Embracing limitations avoids overwhelm.
Each morning I take a realistic look at my day. I take stock of my inner limitations and needs—how am I feeling emotionally and physically, and what would feel most supportive? I take stock of what’s going on around me—what external factors will impact my time and energy today? Finally, I take stock of my intention—what are my responsibilities and hopes for the day? Then I do the math. If I know my limitations, I can shift my expectations and plans—what do I need to add, remove, change, or get support with today? I walk you through this process in my 5-minute meditation, Start Your Day in Alignment.
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